After completion of the Nature of the Soul (NOS) training, there are two levels of Advanced Training available. These provide Teacher Training for those of you called to serve humanity and the planet as both move towards their next levels of initiation. They also provide extended learning for those who are enjoying the learning of the wisdom and techniques provided. This training is not taught from a published book, nor is the material available to the public from anyone who did not actually participate in the original delivery of the Thoughtform Presentation of the Wisdom back in the 1960s, or from their students.
The NOS training continues the disciple's initiation process with the addition of many more techniques for service and support. Whether students intend to teach or not, this training takes them to their higher paths into the future. Instruction comes from several different Masters. In addition to M, DK, and R, you receive instruction from KH, who worked with Blavatsky herself, and Master John, who was incarnate in physical dense in the 1970s. There is even a visit from the Master Jesus, that is short, but sweet. All lessons now include interactions with the actual students in the original training, their answers and questions, as well as the responses of the Masters. This reveals insights on a much more human level as we see these students are just as determined to figure this out as we are, while faking it till they make it. Their questions to the Masters give us some great leaps forward in our understanding and integration of the learning.
This training too includes supplementary enrichment ot help you the disciple grasp the many layers of growth through which you have already lived, as well as providing techniques to help yourself as you expand into your next level of the Wisdom.
Explore these and other subjects in Level 2:
- Thought Manifestation by the Cycle of the Moon
- Spiritual Soul Consciousness
- Sharing the Wisdom of the Soul with Humanity
- Magnetizing Higher Levels of Grace
- Restoring Balance as Needed
- Understanding Consciousness
- Deja Vu
- Agni Chitzens/Fire Devas
- Karmic Load of the Disciple
- Ashramic Group Life
- Telepathy
- Ceremonial/White Magic
- Conscious Creating
- Calming Troubled Waters
- Intelligence as the Elixer of Life