There are more people on the planet than ever before.
Life is full of constantly shifting technology that impacts your relationships and quality of life.
Time is moving in a blur. It's hard to tell what is right, what is truth, and what is glamour. It's hard to know what to trust. You begin to question your own sanity. You begin to yearn for serenity. You long to return to your strong centeredness.
In this Age of Mind, it is wise to have mentorship…a guide…a coach.
Having a group of like-minded folks to share with can provide a much needed pressure-release valve and some uncommon advice you can take with you. You are fully capable of achieving your goals, you just haven't figured out how to match up to them yet. You are creative, resourceful, adaptive, and whole in and of yourself. You have the ability to change your thinking, your belief systems, and your behaviors in pursuing growth.
Investing in coaching has many benefits, some of the most common of which are…
- A stronger sense of identity and purpose
- A strengthened sense that your are living the life you have dreamed of
- Enhanced mental health and an increased quality of life
- The achievement of wide-ranging goals, such as break throughs in your career, expanding your social life, finding love, and/or improving your health
- Positive change in behavior and beliefs that improve your self-confidence, self-acceptance, and insight
- Greater well-being, increased hope, and decreased stress
Sign up now for your very own MINDing Power Hour and join a community of like-minded friends who are headed in the same direction. Group coaching is provided on the first Monday of each month, from Noon to 1PM Central. There will b, and then group discussion to integrate your understanding. Each month you'll receive tips and techniques specifically designed to soothe and refocus your ability to handle whatever comes up. In today's fast-paced, high stress and confrontational situations, you can handle anything when your mind is running the show.
You will enjoy live meetings with me and the others in the group for Q&A, sharing of experiences, and encouragement. During the month, you will also receive encouraging and empowering videos, articles, affirmations, and other goodies specifically designed to inspire and motivate you in alignment with our monthly objectives to spiral you up on the path towards your goals. All sessions are video recorded for your convenience - whether you need to miss a session or just want to review what was said. There is no contract or penalty for canceling your subscription. Stay only as long as you feel you are benefiting from your participation. Register for the MINDing Group Coaching today!